





    发布者:致邦包装  发布时间:2015-12-19 15:08:51  访问次数:41



    创办于20055月,创业之初主要生产原木卡板、免检卡板、IPPC熏蒸卡板,期间得到广大客户的信赖与支持,20075月开始投产致力于医疗、LED、激光、通讯、金融、电气电力、变频器、电源、电子、汽车配件、模具、精密机械设备、五金、仪器仪表、玻璃等相关行业包装上的研发、设计、生产、销售。 公司总部位于上海市青浦区白鹤镇镇,目前已设立3间分厂,总占地面积2000平方米。现有经验丰富的技术人员与包装队伍共28人,厂区设有经上海市检验检疫局认可的标准IPPC热处理熏蒸库、原木区、材料区、生产区、成品区。配备国内先进的钢带自动化快速成型设备一套、精密木工推台锯两台、截断机三台、刨光机一台、磨边机一台、原木带锯两台、木工钻床两台、真空包装设备一套。

    公司主营产品及简述: 1、免检胶合板出口木箱、卡板------→采用环保胶合板制作,无任何时间限制,完全符合欧盟国家的出口商品木质包装要求。 2IPPC熏蒸出口木箱、卡板------→经过高温熏蒸热处理,木箱印有IPPC标识,提供上海检验检疫局木质处理合格证书。 3、普通木箱、卡板、欧标卡板、超大型木箱---------→实木木方制作,可根据实际尺寸和客户图纸要求定做。 4、金属边钢带木箱、五金箱-、围板箱---------→胶合板与镀锌钢带结合,插扣式无钉木箱,外观美观,拆装方便。 5、防潮真空包装、防锈包装---------→针对高精密设备在海运过程中受空气影响,防止受潮氧化,生锈。 6、防震木箱包装--------→对于精密机械设备、高端产品在运输途中的避震保护作用。 7、桌椅、柜台、墙面、门窗木制品---------→根据客户图纸制作,并可提供现场安装。 8、原木、木方、木板、木墩、三角木------→按照客户要求生产。 木箱方案设计:免费咨询,可安排技术人员上门现场测量尺寸,为客户提供整体包装解决方案(Complete Packaging Solution)。 木箱包装附件:拉伸膜,气泡膜,珍珠棉,包装带,真空袋,防锈膜袋,干燥剂等内包装材料。 在激烈的市场竞争中,凭着雄厚的技术力量,先进的设备,强大的生产能力,丰富的包装经验,能以最快的速度、最优的质量、最合理的价格与完善的服务为客户提供不同的需求。 中合 的发展希望得到您宝贵的意见与支持,谢谢!


            包装说明:上海市内木箱可免费送货上门包装,并提供封箱钉盖,打包捆扎,物品防护包装(如   水,防震,防锈等),抽真空服务等。 24小时竭诚为您服务!

    联系人;邹永鹏     QQ 2985094800

    联系电话;18717926752   021-60442170


        超低的价格、超值品质、真诚服务、专业保证、为您的产品量身定制一流的木箱包装 。

     Shanghai Zehao packing material Co., Ltd. was established in 2010, is a professional design and production of the wooden box, export packaging box, pallet, pallet, and other products of the production and sales as one of the corporate entity, but also to provide raw materials to your own processing. Wood pallets, composite tray, packing box, domestic logistics transport wooden case, fumigation of export, export exemption fumigation wooden box, vacuum packaging enterprises. Have many years of production experience, advanced equipment, perfect sales service network. Products have passed ISO9001:2000 quality certification.
    Company to "quality products, quality service" as the criteria, from the product packaging design, packaging program implementation, cargo warehousing and transportation until the end of the product to reach the end customer, one-stop integrated packaging and transportation solutions.
    We are committed to the new environmentally friendly green product research and development, professional production of a variety of composite packaging materials and international standards. In the face of the enterprise, we provide the most direct and effective packaging industry, the most economical, the most safe, the most high-quality products.
    Our goal: to save every penny for our customers is our eternal goal.
    Our slogan: to carry your goods, to the world.
    "Value lies in innovation" is our corporate culture - the concept of innovation is the basis of technological innovation is the mainstream, management innovation is the guarantee. Only in this way can provide customers with first-class service, continue to create new performance.
    Welcome people from all walks of life, to inquire!
    Business contact manager: Zou
    Mobile phone: 18717926752
    Fixed phone: 021-60442170
    E-mail: 2985094800@qq.com
    Company address: Baihe Town Qingpu District Shanghai city Du Village Road No. 70

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