





    发布者:sdjncrdmy  发布时间:2024-03-03 14:13:12  访问次数:1803

    Our KLEA range of HFCs (hydrofuorocarbons) was developed to replace CFCs and HCFCs in many refrigeration, air conditioning, aerosol and foam blowing systems around the world, and we are working to expand our range of refrigerants to include a range of lower GWP refrigerant options in order to provide customers with the benefts and characteristics they seek but at the smallest carbon footprint.

    Effective and effcient refrigerant blends for every application:
    KLEA 407A and KLEA 404A Ideal for supermarket refrigeration
    KLEA 407C Developed for air-conditioning
    KLEA 410A For effcient and compact A/C-units

    While the transition from CFCs is essentially complete, alternatives to HCFC 22 for use in existing or new systems continue to be important, as HCFCs are phased-out. Mexichem Fluor offers a full range of HFC products to replace HCFC 22 in a range of applications and continue to explore new product offerings.

    KLEA 134a Widely accepted as the most appropriate alternative to R-12 over the majority of the application range for both retroft and new equipment. A very good match to R-12 in air-conditioning, high and medium temperature usage.

    KLEA 407A KLEA407A is an energy effcient, low GWP refrigerant designed for use in medium and low temperature supermarket applications. It is suitable for new installations and retrofts on existing R-22 units or R-404A units to achieve a lower GWP refrigerant.
    Composition (wt%) R-32/R-125/R-134a = 20/40/40

    KLEA 407C All of the R-407 refrigerants are based on blends of the three HFC refrigerants, R-32 (difuoromethane), R-125 (pentafuoroethane) and R-134a. R-407C has been formulated as a good match to the existing HCFC refrigerant, R-22, for use in air-conditioning, chilling and refrigeration applications and is the frst of the R-22 alternatives to be used on a commercial scale. Suitable for retroft and original equipment usage.
    Composition (wt%) R-32/R-125/R-134a = 23:25:52

    KLEA 410A A leading high-pressure alternative to R-22, comprising of R-32 and R-125, for air-conditioning and refrigerant applications.
    Composition (wt%) R-32/R-125 = 50/50

    KLEA 404A A long-term alternative to R-502 for retroft and refrigeration applications.
    Composition (wt%) R-143a/R-125/R-134a = 44:52:4

    KLEA 507 A long-term alternative to R-502, comprising of R-125 and R-143a, for retroft and refrigerant applications.
    Composition (wt%) R-125/R-143a = 50:50

    KLEA 508 Ideal for use in low temperature applications, such as biomedical freezing.
    Composition (wt%) R-23/R-116 = 39/61

    KLEA 23 An alternative for ultra low temperature refrigeration applications.

    KLEA 32 Of interest as a blend component for R-22 and R-502 alternatives. In many ways R-32 can be regarded as a non-toxic, non-corrosive, high-capacity ammonia, as far as its refrigeration characteristics are concerned. Like ammonia, its high compressor discharge temperatures require the use of appropriate compressor technology.


    KLEA 407A与KLEA 404A适用于超市制冷
    KLEA 410A适用于高效、紧凑型空调器

    尽管 CFCs的替代已基本完成,HCFCs的替 dai huan 在进行,如何替代现有系统或新系统中的HCFC 22依然是重要的课题。美希氟化工已针对各种应用开发出全系列的HFC产品以取代HCFC 22,并在继续开发新的产品。

    KLEA 134a 该制冷剂为R-12最合适的代替品,可用于大部分改装设备或新设备。在中高温应用的空调系统中与R-12性能相当。

    KLEA 407A 是高能效、低全球变暖潜能值的制冷剂,适用于中低温范围的超市制冷系统。无论是用于新设备、或 R-22设备及R-404A设备的改装,可达到低全球变暖潜能值。
    组份比 (wt%) R-32/R-125/R-134a = 20/40/40

    KLEA 407C 所有R-407制冷剂均由R-32(二氟甲烷)、R-125(五氟乙烷)及R-134A这三种HFC制冷剂混配而成,可替代现有的HCFC R-22用于空调、冷冻与制冷系统,而且是首个R-22的商业代替品。适用于改装设备和新设备。
    组份比 (wt%) R-32/R-125/R-134a = 23:25:52

    KLEA 410A 主要的R-22高压系统的替代品,由R-32及R-125构成,适用于空调与制冷系统。
    组份比 (wt%) R-32/R-125 = 50/50

    KLEA 404A 是R-502的长期替代品,适用于改装系统与制冷应用。
    组份比 (wt%) R-143a/R-125/R-134a = 44:52:4

    KLEA 507 是R-502的长期替代品,由R-125与R-134A组成,适用于改装系统与制冷应用。
    组份比 (wt%) R-125/R-143a = 50:50

    KLEA 508 适用于诸如生物医学冷冻等低温应用。
    组份比 (wt%) R-23/R-116 = 39/6

    KLEA 23 超低温制冷应用中的替代品。

    KLEA 32 用于R-22与R-502代替品的混配组份。在很多方面,R-32的制冷性能被认为与无毒、无腐蚀、制冷量高的氨相当。与氨类似,其压缩机排气温度高,因而对压缩机的技术要求高。

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