





    ABB ACS401-0020-3CT
    发布者:xmwx0001  发布时间:2024-05-14 11:34:02  访问次数:52

    9544257 ROD   Connecting - Blade 9544257
    40042250 Module FCD300 40042250
    147X1841-1 Piston Pin Bolt Torque Kit / Zestaw do odkr?cania ?ruby sworznia t?okowego (T18412) 147X1841-1
    8453628 Cylinder 8453628
    8453627 Cylinder 8453627
    40060516 HOUSING ASY    Bearing (Ex  8345862) 40060516
    8460738 Drive Assy / Nap?d pr?dnicy pomocniczej 8460738
    8408987 Joint Assy 8408987
    8419849 Segment: Camshaft 8419849
    22089691 Stator Assy 22089691
    40017901 Piston Assembly / Zestaw t?oka 40017901
    T?ok do lokomotywy SM-42 T?OKSM-42
    8464113 Switch Assembly - 24 V 8464113 - 24V
    8464113 SWITCH ASY     Magnetic 8464113
    40021330 Cylinder Head (Ex 9556060 ) 40021330
    8483944 GEAR    Idler - Lower (Ex  8069030) 8483944
    40026937 GASKET   Expansion joint to chamber (Ex  8309214) 40026937
    40089164 Cylinder 40089164
    17FE108A1 Card Analog 17FE108A1
    ATM-CO2 Czujnik obrotu kó? (SM42) ATM-CO2
    483A-03 Zawór rozrz?dczy 483A-03
    8080284 Pump Assy 8080284
    8296428 FUEL PUMP &MTR (UTEX for 8302492) 8296428
    PZM 0b 44B Silnik dmuchawy SM42 PZM 0b 44B
    9557793 BEARING ASSEMBLY   Traction motor support - 1/8 undersize bore 9557793
    10644038 Ammeter (40055493) 10644038
    40026946 TRIP ASSEMBLY    Overspeed - Incl  counterweight (Ex  8350518) 40026946
    40004235 Water Pump RB (Ex  9530406) 40004235
    40004234 PUMP ASSEMBLY   Water - Left bank (Ex  9530407, 9320244, 8347607) 40004234
    9557795 Traction motor support bearing 9557795
    17FE122A1 Card 17FE122A1
    40034362 CONTACTOR   AC - 2 pole - 150 Amp - 250 Volt 40034362
    17LV67F9 Relay / Przeka?nik 17LV67F9
    40017903 Piston / T?ok 40017903
    8464118 SWITCH   Magnetic (Ex  8382810) 8464118
    84B524768P1 Filter 84B524768P1
    8451653 BRIDGE ASSEMBLY   Rectifier - SCR 8451653
    8404532 RELAY - Terminal strip base type - Silver contact (Ex  8331302) 8404532
    8310416 Radiator Cooling Fan / Wentylator ch?odnic (REBUILT OUTRIGHT) 8310416
    40034361 CONTACTOR   AC - FC1 and FC2 - 3 Pole 40034361
    41A215587P10 Air Horn 41A215587P10
    9321569 Gauge - Bull Gear 9321569
    8365513 Contactor 8365513
    9575385 Fan Contactor (ex  8314549) 9575385
    17CM55AD5A Contactor / Stycznik 17CM55AD5A
    140X3017 Relief Valve / Zawór nadmiarowy 140X3017
    8345866 Slip Ring 8345866
    147X1089-1 Piston Ring Compressor / Kompresor pier?cienia t?okowego (T10892) 147X1089-1
    8455844 Main Bearing Outer Upper (Ex  8136115) 8455844
    8400143 CONTACTOR    Generator field decay - GFD 8400143
    8415485 Contactor 8415485
    40014531 Cylinder Liner 710 40014531
    9507684 Seal - Captive 9507684
    40100010 Intercooler Valve 40100010
    T55570 Exhaust Manifold Wrench / Klucz do kolektora wydechowego T55570
    9518774 Cylinder (9190081) 9518774
    8339664 Inlet Duct 8339664
    40021328 Cylinder Head Bare (Ex  9556059) 40021328

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