Bonesi, together with Alfamatic and Generalmeccanica is part of the AlfamaticGroup.
It was set up in 1953 to manufacture pneumatic components, today Bonesi counts 75 employees between the seat in S.Giorgio su Legnano, the factory in Legnano and the branches in Sabadell (Spain) and London, Ontario (Canada).
Vertical structure : this is the basis of Bonesi company policy.
The sinergy of design and production (starting from purchase of raw material till test of finished products) allows total control on quality and cost of components and systems manufactured by Bonesi.
This means, for the customer, innovative products with limited prices.
BONESI & ALFAMATIC集团始建于1953年,是全球知名的气动产品专业制造商,在伦敦、西班牙、加拿大分别设有工厂,所有的产品从设计、原材料的采购、零备件的成本控制、生产过程中的质量控制和成品的检测,都以BONESI公司的管理规章为基础,并严格按照国际标准的质量管理体系进行生产,这就意味着,BONESI公司在全球范围内,可以为客户提供高品质的产品和服务。