NTU-738A 14
NTU-738A 14
NTU-738A 14
是的,中海德(福建)工业设备有限公司产品优越,价格有优势,服务周到。专业从事全球知名品牌模块备件销售,主要品牌有主要有AB、GE、Schneider Modicon、ABB、Siemens、Foxboro、Triconex等等。
伊妹儿~ 2851617315@qq.com
扣扣~ 2851617315
3DI, 4DO, 2AO, 12x/sec response, use
with IMMFP0x, NTCS04, NICS01
(相当于 NQRS01, NQRS02)
IMQRS12 Quick Response Module, 4AI,
3DI, 4DO, 2AO, 12x/sec response, use
with IMMFP0x, NTCS04, NICS01
IMQRS22 Quick Response Module, 4AI,
3DI, 4DO, 2AO, 12x/sec response, use
with IMMFP0x, NTCS04, NICS01
IMRAE11 Modular RTU, Isolated IA Module
IMRAE12 Modular RTU, Isolated AI Module
w/ Smart Transmitter Support
IMRAI01 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI02 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI03 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI04 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI05 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI06 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI11 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRAI12 Modular RTU, Non-Isolated Input
Module 8AI, 2AO
IMRCC01 Modular RTU Remote
Communications and Control Module
IMRCC02 Modular RTU Remote
Communications and Control Module
IMRCC03 Modular RTU Remote
Communications and Control Module
IMRDI01 Modular RTU Non-Isolated Digital
Input Module 16 DI 110VDC
IMRDI11 Modular RTU Non-Isolated Digital
Input Module 16 DI 110VDC
IMRDI12 Modular RTU Non-Isolated Digital
Input Module 16 DI 120VDC
IMRDI13 Modular RTU Non-Isolated Digital
Input Module 16 DI 24/48VDC
IMRDO01 Modular RTU Digital Output
Module, 8DO
IMRIO02 Remote I/O Module, Extend
IMMFP0x I/O Bux 10K Feet, multiple drop,
use with NTRL02, 03, NIRL03 (相当于 NRIO02)
IMRMD01 Modular RTU Modem Leased
Line V.21/V.23
IMSED01 Sequence of Events Digital
Inputs Module, 16 Digital Inputs for SOE,
control, use with IMMFP01, NTDI01,NKSD01
IMSER01 Sequence of Events Recorder
IMSER02 Sequence of Events Recorder
IMSET01 Sequence of Event Time Keeper
Module used with INSOE01
IMSMS01 Stepper Motor Slave (Turbine
IMSPM01 Serial Port Module PCU(相当于 NSPM01)
IMSPM02 Serial Port Module (w/ Infi90
INBIM02 Bus Interface Module, PCU to
INLIM03 Communications Interface,
requires INLIM03 (相当于 NBIM02)
INBTM01 Bus Transfer Module, LIM to
Module Bus Transfer; part of INPCI02,
INNPPR01 (相当于 NBTM01)
INDDM01 Disk Drive Module (part of
INESM01 Ethernet Server Module (Part of
INICT01 Infi-net to Computer Transfer
Module, ICI Driver, part of INICI01
INICT03A Infi-net to Computer Transfer
Module, ICI Driver, part of INICI03
INICT12 Infi-net to Computer Transfer
INIIL01 Infi-net to Infi-net Local/Remote
INIIL02 Infi-net to Infi-net Local/Remote
INIIR01 Infi-net to Infi-net Local/Remote
INIIT01 Infinet to Infinet Transfer Modulem rev B1, E1
INIIT02 Infinet to Infinet Remote Transfer
Module, IIR Driver, part of INIIR01
INIIT03 Infinet to Infinet Transfer Module,
IIL Driver, Part of INIIL02
INIIT12 Infinet to Infinet Transfer Module
INIPL01 Infi-net to Plant Loop
Local/Remote Interface
INIPR01 Infi-net to Plant Loop
Local/Remote Interface
INIPT01 Infi-Net to Plant Loop Local
Transfer Module, IPL Driver, part of
INIPL01 rev A1
INIPT02 Infi-Net to Plant Loop Remote
Transfer Module, part of INIPR01 rev A4
INIST01 Infinet to Station Transfer Module
INITT01 Infinet to Terminal Transfer Module
INLIM03 Loop Interface Module, Plant
Loop to Node Communication Interface,
requires INBIM02, use NTCL01, NICL01 rev A0 NLIM03
INNIS01 Network Interface Module, Infi-Net
to node communications interface, requires
INNPM01, use NTCL01, NICL01 rev E6
INNIS11 Network Interface Module
INNIS21 Network Interface Module rev F3
INNPM01 Network Processing Module,
PCU to INNIS01 communications interface,
requires INNIS01 E2, E5
INNPM02 Network Interface Module
INNPM11 Network Processing Module rev F1
INNPM12 Network Interface Module rev F0
INPBS01 Parallel Bus Slave, IEEE-488
Interface, part of INICI01, INPCI02-488H;
INPCI01 Plant Loop to Computer Interface
INPCI02 Plant Loop to Computer Interface
INPCT01 Plant Loop to Computer Transfer
Module, PCI Driver, part of INPCI02
INPPT01 Plant Loop to Plant Loop Transfer
Module, PPR Driver, part of INPPR01
INPTM01 Point Table Module, point table
storage, part of INPCI01(相当于 NPTM01)
INSCS01 SCSI Connector Module, part of
INSEM01 Sequence of Events Master
Module, part of INSOE01 rev C4
INSEM11 Sequence of Events Master
Module, part of INSOE01
Descrtption Quantity Price ROM Notes
INSIM01 Serial Interface Module, RS-232
interface, part of INPCI01(相当于 NSIM01)
INSOE01 Sequence of Events Server
Node, includes SEM, NIS, and TKM
modules with associated terminations and
INTKM01 Time Keeper Master, part of
LMUSM02 Universal Simulation Module
LPS01 Position Module
NAMM02 Analog Master Module
NAMM03 Analog Master Module
(相当于 IMAMM03)
NAOM01 Analog Output Module
(相当于 IMAOM01)
NASI01 Analog Input Module
NASI02 Analog Input Module
(相当于 IMASI02)
NASM01 Analog Input Module (相当于 IMASM01)
NASM02 Analog Input Module, 8 TC or Mv
Inputs (相当于 IMASM02)
NASM03 Analog Input Module, RTD 100
ohm (相当于 IMASM03)
NASM04 Analog Input Module, RTD 10
ohm (相当于 IMASM04)
NASO01 Analog Output Module
(相当于 IMASO01)
NBIM01 Bus Interface Module
NBIM02 Bus Interface Module
(相当于 INBIM02)
NBPC01 Infi-net to Infinet Transfer Module
(相当于 INIIT01)
NBTM01 Bus Transfer Module (相当于 INBTM01)
NCIS01 Control I/O Module
NCIS02 Control I/O Module (相当于 IMCIS02)
NCOM02 Controller Module
NCOM03 Enhanced Controller Module (相当于 IMCOM03)
NCOM04 Advanced Controller Module(相当于 IMCOM04)
NCPM01 Computer Port Module
(相当于 IMCPM01)
NCTM01 Configuration and Tuning Module,
tuning, monitoring, configuration, and
diagnostics of a single PCU
NDCS Option Board Part No. 6632092J1
NDCS Option Board Part No. 6632092R1
NDCS01 Digital Control Station
NDCS02 Digital Control Station
NDCS03 Digital Control H/A Station
NDCS03 Digital Control H/A Station Card
Assmebly 683405J1
NDIS01 Digital Indicator Station
NDIS02 Digital Indicator Station
NDLS01 Digital Logic Station
NDLS02 Digital Logic Station
NDLS03 Digital Logic Station
NDSI01 Digital Slave Input Module
NDSI02 Digital Input Module
(相当于 IMDSI02)
NDSM01 Digital Input Module
NDSM02 Digital Input Slave
NDSM03 Digital Input Module
(相当于 IMDSM03)
NDSM04 Pulse Input Module, 8 inputs 0-50
KHz(相当于 IMDSM04)
NDSM05 Digital Logic Station Module
(相当于 IMDSM05)