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PX482A-015CI压力变送器 美国omega放大图片

产品价格:1   元(人民币)
发货地:深圳  (发货期:当天内发货)


价格:1人民币/件规格:PX482A-015CI压力变送器 美国omega




PX482A-015CI压力变送器 美国omega

该PX482A全数字补偿的压力和温度变化的影响。这是非常准确的,小于0.3% fs的参考精度,小于1% fs的温度补偿范围。接触部分均采用316L不锈钢进行广泛的媒体兼容性。


Excitation: 11 to 30 Vdc
Output: 4 to 20 mAdc (2 wire)
Max. Loop Resistance: 50 x (supply voltage -11) Ohms
Accuracy: 0.3% BFSL maximum (includes linearity, hysteresis, and repeatability)
Total Error Band: 1% FS (includes temperature effects within compensated temperature range)
Operating Temperature: -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)
Compensated Temperature:-25 to 75°C (-13 to 167°F)
Process Temperature: -40 to 100°C (-40 to 212°F)
1 Year Stability: <0.25% FS
Proof Pressure: 2x FS
Burst Pressure: 3x FS
Wetted Parts: 316L stainless steel
Vibration: 10 g, 55 to 2000 Hz
Shock: 30 g
Process Connection: 1/8 NPT male
Electrical Connection: PX482A: 0.4 m (18") 24 AWG cable
PX482AD: DIN 43650 micro mini C connector, mating connector included
Weight: 142 g (5 oz)
注释: To order models with a miniture DIN connector instead of pigtail leads, replace PX482A with PX482AD. Mating mini-DIN connector included.
See Custom Part Number Builder Below.

Gage Pressure Ranges
PX482A-001GI 0 to 1 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-006GI 0 to 6 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-015GI 0 to 15 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-030GI 0 to 30 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-060GI 0 to 60 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-100GI 0 to 100 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-200GI 0 to 200 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-300GI 0 to 300 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-500GI 0 to 500 psi gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
Sealed Gage Pressure Ranges
PX482A-1KSI 0 to 1000 psi sealed gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-2KSI 0 to 2000 psi sealed gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-3KSI 0 to 3000 psi sealed gauge pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
Vacuum and Compound Pressure Ranges
PX482A-015VACI 0 to -14.7 psi gauge vacuum transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-015CI -14.7 to 15 psi gauge compound pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-030CI -14.7 to 30 psi gauge compound pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-060CI -14.7 to 60 psi gauge compound pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
Absolute Pressure Ranges
PX482A-015AI 0 to 15 psi absolute pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-030AI 0 to 30 psi absolute pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
PX482A-060AI 0 to 60 psi absolute pressure transducer with 4 to 20 milliamp output and 18" pigtail connection
CX5302 Replacement Micro Mini C DIN connetor


(1) (2)
(1) Electrical Termination
PX482A- 代表 18 inch pigtail
PX482AD- 代表 miniature DIN connector
(2) Pressure Range
001GI 代表 0 to 1 psi gauge pressure
006GI 代表 0 to 6 psi gauge pressure
015GI 代表 0 to 15 psi gauge pressure
030GI 代表 0 to 30 psi gauge pressure
060GI 代表 0 to 60 psi gauge pressure
100GI 代表 0 to 100 psi gauge pressure
200GI 代表 0 to 200 psi gauge pressure
300GI 代表 0 to 300 psi gauge pressure
500GI 代表 0 to 500 psi gauge pressure
1KSI 代表 0 to 1000 psi sealed gauge pressure
2KSI 代表 0 to 2000 psi sealed gauge pressure
3KSI 代表 0 to 3000 psi sealed gauge pressure
15VACI 代表 0 to -15 psi vacuum
15CI 代表 -15 to 15 psi gauge pressure
30CI 代表 -15 to 30 psi gauge pressure
60CI 代表 -15 to 60 psi gauge pressure
015AI 代表 0 to 15 psi absolute pressure
030AI 代表 0 to 30 psi absolute pressure
060AI 代表 0 to 60 psi absolute pressure
注意: 并非所有组合都有效,请参见规格表上有效的产品编号。 

PX482A-015CI压力变送器 美国omega


PX602-3KGV压力传感器 美国omega

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