详细介绍: ( DC*–** only)
Ports 1, Part
Housing 2, 3 & 4 Number Code
C–8–4 1/4” BSPP 02–160747 (A)2G
3/8” BSPP 02–160748 (A)3G
SAE 4 02–160749 (A)4T
SAE 6 02–160750 (A)6T
C–10–4 1/4” BSPP 876709 (A)2G
3/8” BSPP 876715 (A)3G
SAE 6 876708 (A)6H
SAE 8 876713 (A)8H
C–12–4 3/4” BSPP 5986432-001 (A)6G
SAE 10 5986434-001 (A)10T
SAE 12 5986436-001 (A)12T
C–16–4 1/2” BSPP 876728 (A)4G
3/4” BSPP 876730 (A)6G
SAE 10 876279 (A)10H
SAE 12 876731 (A)12H
C–20–4 3/4” BSPP 876744 (A)6G
1” BSPP 876746 (A)8G
SAE 12 876745 (A)12H
SAE 16 876747 (A)16H
Housing (FDC*-**only)
C–10–4 1/4” BSPP 02–185804 (A)2G
3/8” BSPP 02–185805 (A)3G
SAE 6 02–185802 (A)6H
SAE 8 02–185803 (A)8H
BSPP porting is designated by
‘‘G” in the model code SAE
porting is designated by either
“H” in the model code.
Fatigue rated aluminum housings
are intended for applications
up to 210 bar (3000 psi)
with harsh duty cycles. These
housings have been fatigue
rated to NFPA standards to one
million cycles.
For C-10-4 and C-12-4 housings
for VCB valves see pages J-25
& J-27 respectively.
Aluminum housings
(NFPA fatigue rated)
EATON Screw-In Cartridge Valves E-VLSC-MC001-E1 September 2013 J-13.A
Where measurements are critical request certified drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications without notice.
Dimensions A B C D E F G H I J K L Mass
mm (inch) kg (lb)
C-8-4* 63,5 31,8 82,6 38,1 19,1 15,5 44,0 3,3 57,1 7,1 73,0 29,8 1,2
(2.50) (1.25) (3.25) (1.50) (0.75) (0.61) (1.73) (0.13) (2.25) (0.28) (2.88) (1.17) (2.70)
C-10-4 76,2 38,1 88,9 44,4 22,2 19,1 50,8 9,5 57,1 7,1 76,2 34,9 1,9
(3.00) (1.50) (3.50) (1.75) (0.87) (0.75) (2.00) (0.37) (2.25) (0.28) (3.00) (1.37) (4.35)
C-16-4 101,6 50,8 139,7 50,8 25,4 25,4 82,5 12,7 76,2 10,3 120,6 53,9 5,6
(4.00) (2.00) (5.50) (2.00) (1.00) (1.00) (3.25) (0.50) (3.00) (0.40) (4.75) (2.12) (12.40)
C-20-4 114,3 57,1 177,8 63,5 31,8 31,8 113,5 19,1 76,2 11,8 152,4 72,1 8,2
(4.50) (2.25) (7.00) (2.50) (1.25) (1.25) (4.47) (0.75) (3.00) (0.47) (6.00) (2.84) (18.20)
* 8 Series housings utilize slot instead of mounting holes.
Ports 1, Part
Housing 2, 3 & 4 Number Code
C–8–4 1/4” BSPP 02–160751 (S)2G
3/8” BSPP 02–160752 (S)3G
SAE 4 02–160753 (S)4T
SAE 6 02–160754 (S)6T
C–10–4 1/4” BSPP 02–175139 (S)2G
3/8” BSPP 02–175140 (S)3G
SAE 6 02–175137 (S)6T
SAE 8 02–175138 (S)8T
C–16–4 1/2” BSPP 02–175143 (S)4G
3/4” BSPP 02–175144 (S)6G
SAE 10 02–175141 (S)10T
SAE 12 02–175142 (S)12T
C–20–4 1/2” BSPP 02–175147 (S)4G
3/4” BSPP 02–175148 (S)6G
SAE 12 02–175145 (S)12T
SAE 16 02–175146 (S)16T
BSPP porting is designated by
‘‘G” in the model code SAE
porting is designated by ‘‘T’’ in
the model code 8 series utilize
slot in place of mounting hole.
Fatigue rated steel housings
are intended for applications
up to 350 bar (5000 psi) with
harsh duty cycles. These housings
have been fatigue rated to
NFPA standards to one million
For C-10-4 and C-12-4 housings
for VCB valves see pages J-24
& J-27 respectively. |