mm (inch)
Installation Drawing
Basic Code: 1HP15
3/8” Ports
Cartridge Only
Basic Code: 1HP10
1 Basic code
1HP10 - Cartridge only
1HP15 - Cartridge and body
Model Code
3 Seals
S - Nitrile (for use with most
industrial hydraulic oils)
SV - Viton? (for high temperature
& most special fl uid
1 2 3
1HP7 3W S
Code Port Size Aluminum
Omit Cartridge only
3W 3/8" BSP BXP16234
4W ?” BSP BXP16235
2 Port Size
– –
J-85.A EATON Screw-In Cartridge Valves E-VLSC-MC001-E1
September 2013
Where measurements are critical request certified
drawings. We reserve the right to change specifications
without notice.
1T162W6S - Pressure Intensifier
Hydraulic Integrated CIrcuits
This valve is used to convert
low input pressure from a
small low pressure pump or
sub-circuit to high pressure up
to 700 bar (10000 psi) and can
eliminate the need for high
pressure pump, or high-low
type circuit. It is best suited
for use with low horsepower,
variable volume pumps.
Contact main office for full