详细介绍: Operation
The pressure intensifier allows
free flow of oil through the
inlet to the actuator until high
pressure is required, then
reciprocates to intensify the
pressure with a ratio of 6.5-1
between the inlet pressure and
the intensified pressure up to
a maximum 700 bar. The unit
automatically makes up for
any leakage to prevent loss of
pressure during clamping or
cutting operations. The flow to
the ‘P’ port should be regulated
to prevent a too rapid cycle
Eliminates the need for
single stroke air/oil systems.
Continuous automatic make up
for leakage. Light weight and
compact. Reliable high quality.
Max Pressure:
Inlet 110 bar (1600 psi)
Output 700 bar (10,000 psi)
Rated Flow:
Inlet 1.5 L/min (0.4 USgpm)
Output 165 mL/min
(10 in3
mm (inch)
cartridge in aluminum
108-122 Nm
(80-90 ft lbs) Installation Drawing
Directional Control Valve
P.O. Check
700 bar |