Target接受的每周长工作时间为60小时(包括加班时间在内). 如果当地法律规定的周长工作时间(包括加班时间在内)小于60小时, 以当地法律为准.
2. Employees should receive one day of rest per week(one day off in seven days).雇员每周需有至少一天休息(一周七天至少休息一天).
3. Employees must be able to decline overtime without penalty(financial or other).雇员必须能够不受任何惩罚的拒绝加班(财务的或其他任何惩罚).
4. Vendors should know and follow the local law for each country of production.供应商必须知道且遵守进行生产的每个国家当地的法律.
Fair Wages公平工资
1. Employees must be paid for all hours worked. Use of a time clock or scan-card system is required to tracking employee's hours(both regular hours and overtime).必须支付雇员所有工作时数. 必须使用考勤钟或刷卡考勤系统来记录雇员工作时数(正常工作时数和加班时数)---***Target不接受手工考勤表.
2. Local laws regarding wages and overtime compensation must be followed.必须遵守当地法律关于工资或加班补偿的规定.
3. Employees should receive additional compensation for overtime even if the particular country does not have overtime wage laws.即使某个国家未有加班工资的法律, 雇员也应当得到加班的额外补偿.
4. Employees shgould be paid in a timely manner.雇员工资需按时支付.
5. Any payroll deductions must be in accordance with local laws.任何工资中扣除项目需符合当地法律规定.
6. Employees should not be held respnsible for damaged goods.雇员不该对毁损货物负有责任.
No Child Labor不得雇佣童工
***Child is defined by Target as being below the local minimum age or 14, whichever is greater.
***Target对童工的定义: 14岁以下或当地法律规定的小年龄以下-二者哪个大适用哪个.
1. Target has a "zero tolerence" policy towards the use if child labor. It is Target's Policy to not accept produced by child labor.
Target对于雇用童工采取"零容忍"政策. Target政策规定不接受童工生产的产品.
2. Apprenticeship programs must be fully documented and in compliance with applicable local laws. 学徒工计划必须有书面的实施制度和程序, 且符合当地法律规定.
3. The factory must maintain complete and accurate personnel records for all employees, including "temporary" or "seasonal" employees工厂必须保存完整且准确的所有雇员人事纪录, 包括"临时工"与"季节工".
4. Vendors should know and follow the local law for each country of production.供应商必须知道且遵守进行生产的每个国家当地的法律.
Country of Origin原产国
1. Target will not accept any merchandise that was illegally tran-shipped into the United States per U.S. Customs and Border Protection.根据美国海关与边防局, Target不接受任何通过非法转运进入美国的货物.
2. Target has a "zero telerence" policy towards the misrepresentation of Country of Origin.
3. Per U.S Customs and Border Protection, illegal transhipment is a false declarition if infirmation given to circumvent existing United States trade laws for the purpose of avoiding quotas, embargoes or prohibinitions, or to obtain preferential duty treatment.根据美国海关与边防局, 非法转运是出于规避现有美国法律关于配额,禁运或禁令或获取关税优惠待遇而进行的虚假原产地信息声明.
4. The vendor/factory should maintain all production and import/export records for a period of five years as required by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.根据美国海关与边防局要求, 供应商/工厂应该对所有生产及进/出口记录保存五年.
***These records should remain at the factory for a minimum of 1 year and be provided upon request within 72 hours.
***这些记录应该在工厂至少保留一年, 而且, 如果要求提供应该在72小时内拿出.
Zero Tolerence/Severe Violation零容忍政策/严重违犯
***If any of the below listed 4 standards are violated at any point, the factory will be made non-compliant and will not be allowed to produce Target owned brand products for up to 3 years:
***任何时间对于以下四条标准中的任何一条的违犯, 工厂必须被定为"不遵约", 且3年内不得生产Target自有品牌产品:
***If the factory did produce Target products Target could not accept this merchandise.
***如果工厂在做Target产品, Target将不接受这些商品
1. No Child Labor不得雇用/使用童工
2. No Forced or Compulsory Labor不得使用强迫/强制劳动力
3. Fair Disciplinary Practices and No Corporal Punishment公平惩戒措施且不得使用体罚
4. Country of Origin/Illegally Transshipped Goods原产国/不得进行非法转运货物
健康与安全的工作环境对于你们工厂的雇员来说是必不可少的. 为确保您的雇员在紧急情况下能够迅速作出反应, 工厂需要提供以下便利/措施:
1.相对于工厂规模足够的灭火器和/或消防栓(带水管), 且符合当地法律规定.
3.充足的紧急出口. 佳做法是确保每名雇员都可以享用两个紧急出口.紧急出口需保持畅通, 不得有任何阻挡/阻塞, 且明显标示. 紧急出口门必须是"推"开, 而不是"拉"开.
4.所有雇员需接受以下基本培训: 如何使用灭火器/消防栓, 紧急出口位置及急救培训.
5. 当情况需要时, 需提供个人防护设备如:眼罩, 耳塞, 面具等.需要对雇员如何正确使用个人防护设备进行培训, 以及为什么他们需要使用个人防护设备.
6.如果工厂提供住宿(宿舍), 必须符合与消防/安全, 房间面积及每间人数等所有适用的法律要求.
1. .雇员必须可以不受任何惩罚的(财务或其它形式的)拒绝加班.
2. 不得对雇员收取入厂押金或雇佣押金.
3.不得使用监狱劳动力. 根据美国海关与边防局,进口监狱劳动力生产的产品进入美国是违法的.
工人不得对如以下行为受到任何惩罚: 拒绝加班, 迟到, 做出次品或较差的生产. 所有工厂对于惩戒措施/程序需要书面规则/政策, 且这些规则/政策需传达于工人.
1. 惩戒措施必须符合所适用的当地法律.
2. Target对于雇员体罚采取"零容忍"政策.
3. "体罚"定义为"对一个人的身体采取的惩罚".
工人的雇用需根据其资格, 而不是性别, 种族, 个人特征或信仰.
1. 对于所有雇员都需要尊重以待. 包括他国雇员.
2. 除非有当地法律规定, 雇用时不得进行怀孕/艾滋病毒检测.
1.Target接受的每周长工作时间为60小时(包括加班时间在内). 如果当地法律规定的周长工作时间(包括加班时间在内)小于60小时, 以当地法律为准.