wc67y、we67y系列扭轴、机液同步液压折弯机 wc67y、we67y series torque shaft or mechn-hydrau synchro ●采用全钢焊接结构,经振动时效或退火处理,精度保持性优良,具有足够的强度和刚性. ●坚固的扭轴液压上传动设计或机液伺服同步机构,确保滑块同步运动。 ●配有斜楔式挠度补偿机构。 ●机动调整内外置式机械挡块,确保滑块的精确定位。 ●机动后挡料调整快速,数字显示,操作方便,定尺直观可靠。 ●具有点动、单次、连续操作功能。 ●steel welding construction throungh vibration ageing or anneal with sufficient strength and rigidity and high accuracy. ●torque shaft is designed with high solidness or mecha-hydrau servo-contrlol unit,assuring the synchronized movements of ram. ●flexible compensation unit installed. ●back gavge adopts power fast,easy operation and reliable length with counter displaying. ●possessing inching,single and comtinuous bressbrakes. qc11y、 qc11ya系列液压闸式剪板机 qc11y、qc11ya series hydraulic guillotine shearing machines ●采用整体焊接结构的机架,经有限无分析计算和运用cad优化设计,具有足够的强度和刚性。 ●刀片间隙快速调整机构,可根据被剪板料厚度按指示标牌进行调整。 ●机动后挡料装置,调整迅速,数值在前面显示,操作方便,定尺直观可靠. ●灯光对线装置,便于划线剪切。 ●可进行点动、单次、连续操作,并可中途停机或回程。 ●剪切角度可根据被剪厚度和送料宽度调整,使落料尽量不转曲。 ●steelwelding construction with sufficient strength and rigidity,through finite unalytical comouter and used cad optimal desigh ●possessing a speed blades gap adjusting device,permit to adjust steplessley the blades gap,following cutting thickness and marker. ●back gauge adopts power fast,easy operation and reliable leagth with counter displaying in the front. ●aligning by light, helful to mark out by hand for shearing. ●possessing inching,single and continuous shearing,and adjust steplessly the strokes. ●following the cutting thicknees and width , to adjust the cutting agle ,make for blanking to distort lesly 注:联系我时,请说是在“机电之家网”上看到的,谢谢!