  • 规格:泵管卡子(5片/套)35,909,080,000备品备件
  • 发货地:石家庄
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1个
  • 诚信商家













      ---------------联系人:郭蕾 13383298872 QQ:3522099346-------------


      订货号 一、Polymetron9210硅酸根/根分析仪备件
      09200=A=5000 接口板09200=A=5000
      09200=A=1000 9210硅表CPU板带显示09200=A=1000
      09200=A=1011 9211磷表CPU板带显示09200=A=1011
      09200=A=2000 电源板09200=A=2000
      09125=A=0485/2485 RS485板(MODBUS)09125=A=0485/2485
      09200=A=5500 92XX内部总线通讯板09200=A=5500
      370=302=034/304/307 2米内部连接电缆/4米/7米370=302=034/304/307
      0921X=A=1500 921X测量板0921X=A=1500
      09210=A=1510 9210硅表测量板09210=A=1510
      09210=A=1520 9211磷表测量板09210=A=1520
      15157500006 管子4×6(国内定制)15157500006
      689=118=008 样水电磁阀,NPS0689=118=008
      35600905040 O-型圈(流速调节螺钉)35600905040
      09210=A=0105 样水流速调节螺钉09210=A=0105
      09210=A=0250 样水液位检测器09210=A=0250
      35609935308 O-型圈(液位检测器)35609935308
      689=118=024 样水电磁阀,(溢流容器)689=118=024
      09210=A=1234 921X连接板(混合器/加热器)09210=A=1234
      09210=A=0400 921X混合器09210=A=0400
      226=003=013 磁性搅拌棒226=003=013
      09097=C=0560 加热元件09097=C=0560
      35900040780 Pt100温度35900040780
      09210=A=0500 921X光缆09210=A=0500
      09210=C=0340 921X光学镜09210=C=0340
      09210=C=0330 921X镜子隔圈09210=C=0330
      35609905220 O-型圈(光学镜),22×1mm35609905220
      09210=C=0310 方形盖(光度计池)09210=C=0310
      590=050=060 试剂管,1,6×3,2mm590=050=060
      15106508699 试剂管内插管,15106508699
      695=114=001 试剂泵695=114=001
      695=004=004 校准/冲洗695=004=004
      495=020=001 921X2升试剂桶495=020=001
      09210=A=0600 921X试剂管沉头09210=A=0600
      09210=C=7000 9210硅表化学试剂(不含硫酸)09210=C=7000
      09211=C=7000 9211磷表化学试剂(不含硫酸)09211=C=7000
      09211=C=7001 9211磷表化学试剂(不含硫酸)09211=C=7001
      09210=A=0507 9210硅表药剂(一年用量)09210=A=0507

        对于便携式\\ \/手持式拉曼光谱仪,今年是"忙",海洋光学、会飞,布鲁克,泰克,岛渡轮TSI,万通许多厂商已经推出了一个便携式\\ \/手持式拉曼光谱仪,仪器市场竞争加剧。虽然与大共焦拉曼仪器相比,便携式\\ \/手持式拉曼仪器灵敏度等也有一定的局限性,但由于其易于使用,便宜,很多单位的青睐。目前,主要设备制造商已加强了相关应用程序和解决方案的和推广。那么,从用户的角度来看,有哪些单位在购买和使用便携式\\ \/手持式拉曼光谱仪吗?根据近一段时间(2个月)网上关于便携式\\ \/手持式拉曼光谱仪不完全统计,发现购买这种大多数制药领域,其次,部门的也是选购相关测量仪器。In portable\\\/handheld Raman spectrometer application domain, the drug is the first large areas, in the field of procurement related most, such as: drug inspection office in Beijing 2015, the central transfer payments with instruments and equipment purchase projects bidding announcement project name: 2015 the central transfer payments with instruments and equipment purchase project item number: 1541 nh purchasing name: Beijing pharmaceutical institute of guangdong food and drug inspection office in the second half of 2015 equipment purchasing public bidding announcement purchasing project number: -- 0069, -- 0070, -- 0066, -- 0045 procurement project name: YaoJianSuo added in the second half of 2015 purchase imported equipment, YaoJianSuo import equipment procurement in the second half of 2015, domestic equipment procurement, cell toxicity experiment of light detector equipment procurement China institute of traditional Chinese medicine academy of sciences, fix for the special Chinese medicine resources appraisal and evaluation platform capacity-building and extracting detection system project tender announcement of autonomous region government procurement center clinical training room construction and the multi-function academic hall renovation project of government procurement bidding announcement (43, 2015) project name: area food at the food and drug administration and drug testing instrument bidding number: two blocks of XZCG - 1408-102: a portable Raman spectrometer and other 7 kinds of equipment bidding supplier name: the winning suppliers(hereinafter referred to as "tendering agent") by the state administration of quality supervision, inspection and quarantine (hereinafter referred to as "tenderer"), will improve food quality and safety inspection in 2015 by aqsiq (prison) measurement capability construction special 1.2 million yuan of above equipment procurement projects, the tender number: GXTC -) (hereinafter referred to as the "project") for the goods and services, in the domestic public bidding way bidding procurement.1,现在邀请合格投标人的下列货物和有关服务提交密封投标。有的投标人从代理



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