MKVVRP 3X1.5矿用3芯控制电缆批发
塑料绝缘电力电缆 绝缘层为塑料的电力电缆。常用的塑料有聚氯、聚、。塑料电缆结构简单,制造加工方便,重量轻,敷设安装方便,。因此广泛应用作中低压电缆,并有取代粘性浸渍油纸电缆的趋势。其缺点是存在树枝化击穿现象,这了它在更高电压的使用。
KVV22 铜芯聚氯绝缘聚氯护套钢带铠装控制电缆0.75~6 2-61 敷设在室内电缆沟、管道、直埋等男受较大机械外力等固定。
DJYV(R)P2 聚绝缘铜带绕包总屏聚氯护套计算机用屏蔽(软)电缆。
矿用监控及数据传输阻燃电缆的详细介绍我厂是矿用监控及数据传输阻燃电缆生产厂家,我厂致力于矿用监控及数据传输阻燃电缆生产,井下矿用监控及数据传输阻燃电缆研究,通过矿用监控及数据传输阻燃电缆的研究不断产品的,您产品在市场中的竞争力. 矿用监控及数据传输阻燃电缆:用途主要用于煤矿井下监测、监控、轨道运输作信息传输线,也可用于通讯作信息传输。使用条件,温度:-40~50℃。月平均大相对温度:95%(+25℃)。安装敷设温度:≥-10℃。安装时小弯曲半径:MHYV、MHJYV为电缆外径的10倍,其他型号为电缆外径的15倍。
incere attempt to bring about the marriage, which could subsequently be wrecked on some religious scruple. The general desire for the Queen’s marriage might then be pleaded, even to Leicester’s enemies, as a reason why the Queen should marry him, the only remaining sible suitor. For the first time in her reign the Queen now might do it, as she had nothing to fear from “her dear sister” Mary of Scotland. There is ample reason to believe that this was the key to the present attitude of the Queen and Leicester; and Guzman makes no secret of his opinion that it was so. In the meanwhile Cecil was proceeding in good faith with Swetkowitz; and de Foix was still pressing the Queen daily for some decision respecting Charles IX., to whom she gre
ZR-KVV 铜芯聚氯绝缘和护套(阻燃)控制电缆。
电缆导体的长期允许工作温度应不超过70℃,在使用中电缆应防止高温直流辐射或;电缆敷设环 境温度应不低于0℃,
ely enough to him on several occasions to prevent his ardour from causing inconvenience. It is more than probable that she deceived Cecil and the rest of her advisers as to her matrimonial intentions as completely as she did the suitors themselves, and that she never meant to marry—except perhaps on two occasions, which will be specified, when circumstances or her feelings nearly drove her to the irrevocable step. Her own motives were less complicated than those of her advisers, and the lifelong playing off of France against Spain, of which her matrimonial negotiations were a part, was obviously only sible whilst she kept single; whereas party, religious, and personal affinities all operated on the minds of her courtiers and ministers, and, to a certain extent, separated their interests from hers.
充油通信电缆结构: 1、导线:退火裸铜线,铜线直径为0.32,0.40,0.50,0.60,0.70,0.80,0.90(mm)。2、绝缘材料:高密度聚或聚丙烯,按照全色谱标明绝缘线的颜色。 3、绝缘线对:把二根不同颜色的绝缘线按不同的节距扭绞成对,并采用规定的色谱组合以便识别线对。 4、缆芯结构:以25对为基本单位,超过25对的电缆按单位组合,每个单位用规定色谱的单位扎带绕扎,以便识别不同的单位。100对及以上线对的电缆加有1%的预备线对,但多不超过6对。缆芯内的间隙用石油膏填充。 5、缆芯包带:用聚脂薄膜带绕包。 6、屏蔽:用轧纹(或不轧纹)金属带,金属带纵包于缆芯包带之外。 7、护套:黑色低密度聚。也可提供双层护套的电缆。
计算机电缆线芯采用布线电缆色谱:主色:白--红--黑--黄--紫 副色:蓝--橙--绿--棕--灰 电缆色谱主副色按顺序两两搭配既可,如 白蓝 白橙 白绿 白棕 白灰 红蓝。。。。。。。以此类推