  • 发货地:上海
  • 品牌:
  • 最小起订量:1件
  • 免费会员









      1、雷达系列料位计/ 液位计:适用于恶劣环境下的非接触式物位测量。
      通过天线系列发射并接收能量很低的极短的微波脉冲。雷达波以光速运行,德国进口的VEGAPULS雷达液位计/料位计/物位计通过最新的微处理技术和独 一无二的ECHOFOX 软件准确的分析出物位回波,精确测量雷达波的运行时间并通过电子部件转换成物位信号,可以确保在极短时间内稳定和精确测量出物料或液体位置。通过输入容器 尺寸,可以将上空距离值转换成与物位成正比的信号,物位仪表可以空仓调试。
      2、导波雷达系列料位计/液位计: 既适用于测量液位,也适用于测量固体物位。
      德国进口的新型传感器VEGAFLEX60系列,用于精确测量固体介质或液体介质的物位。其原理是沿着一根钢缆、棒、或套管发送出极短的微波脉冲,当微波信号接触到固体介质或液体介质后, 一部分能量被反射回来,VEGAFLEX60系列导波雷达传感器通过特殊的雷达扫描技术可以高精度地测量微波运行时间,从而计算出传感器到介质的距离。由于测量原理简单,VEGAFLEX液位计/料位计/物位计可以不带料调整,从而节省了大量调试费用。测量缆或棒可以截短,使之更加适应现场的应用。
      1. Radar Series Level Meter/Level Meter: It is suitable for non-contact level measurement in harsh environment.            A series of antennas are used to transmit and receive very short microwave pulses with very low energy. Radar wave runs at the speed of light. The VEGAPULS radar level gauge/level gauge imported from Germany can accurately analyze the level echo through the latest microprocessing technology and unique ECHOFOX software. The running time of radar wave can be accurately measured and the position of material or liquid can be measured stably and accurately in a very short time by converting the electronic components into the level signal. By inputting the size of the container, the distance above can be converted into a signal proportional to the level, and the level meter can be debugged in an empty bin.            2. Guided Wave Radar Series Level Meter/Level Meter: It is suitable for both liquid level measurement and solid level measurement.            The VEGAFLEX60 series of new sensors imported from Germany are used to accurately measure the level of solid or liquid media. The principle is to send a very short microwave pulse along a steel cable, rod, or casing. When the microwave signal touches solid or liquid medium, part of the energy is reflected back. VEGAFLEX60 series guided wave radar sensors can measure the microwave operation time with high precision through special radar scanning technology, thus calculating the distance between the sensor and the medium. Because the measuring principle is simple, VEGAFLEX level gauge/level gauge/level gauge can be adjusted without material, thus saving a lot of debugging costs. The measuring cable or rod can be truncated to make it more suitable for field application.            3. Ultrasound Series Level Meter/Level Meter: Non-contact measurement with ultrasound.            The probe emits 10 kHz to 70 kHz ultrasonic wave, which is reflected back by the measured medium and re-received by the probe. Ultrasound travels at the speed of sound wave, and the time from sound wave to reflection and reception is proportional to the distance from probe to the surface of the medium under test.            VEGASON series sensors imported from Germany adopt the latest microprocessing technology and unique ECHOFOX software to accurately analyze the level echo, eliminate false reflection and accurately calculate the distance between the probe and the measured medium surface. The integrated temperature probe can measure the temperature in the container and compensate the measurement error caused by the temperature. By setting the height of the input container, the above-air distance can be converted into a signal proportional to the level of the object. VEGASON series sensors need not be debugged and set up in empty and full warehouses.            4. Capacitive Level Meter Series            Capacitance measurement is a widely used method of level measurement. Its measuring principle is to make the sensor and the container form two electrodes of a capacitor. Capacitance value changes with the change of material level in the container and is converted into corresponding level output signal.            5. Vibration Switch Series            Piezoelectric drive is the core of VEGAVIB. Vibration elements (vibrating rods) are driven by piezoelectric ceramics and vibrate at a certain mechanical resonance frequency. The vibration frequency of the vibrating rod decreases when it comes into contact with the medium. The integrated electronic component detects the change of vibration frequency and converts it into switching command. Piezoelectric ceramics are mechanically fixed, very stable and durable. Pressure and temperature will not affect the accuracy of the switch. The density of solid particles is greater than 20 g/L. With contact measurement control, the surface of the vibrating rod is smooth, without corners and edges, avoiding the adhesion of granular solids, and it is very easy to clean.
      Canqin Industry (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

  • 0571-87774297